Tag Archives: teaching

Bringing the Beauty and Joy of Computing to the World via edX

Presenter(s): Dan Garcia, Brian Harvey, Jens Moenig, Michael Ball (US)

Summary: After five years of offering professional development to over 200 high school teachers, the Beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC) team decided to embark on a project with global reach: building a massive open online course (MOOC) for their BJC course, complete with autograding, peer grading, inspiring videos, quizzes, and a learning community. This talk will offer a sneak peek;it launches Fall 2015.

Type of participation: Talk

Doodling in Code: A simple framing of coding activity that invites creative exploration and playfulness

Presenter(s): Adam Colestock (US)

Summary: In my work teaching kids to program, I sometimes see kids overwhelmed by the scope of their favorite projects on the Scratch site and the ambitious games that they want to create. I propose that occasionally framing the work of coding as ‘doodling’ for developing programmers provides an entry point that is inviting and promotes exploration and play.

Type of participation: Ignite