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Cynthia Solomon

<img class="alignright wp-image-1043 size-full" src="http://www.scratch2015ams.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/solomon.png" alt="Cynthia Solomon" width="168" height="223" cheap jordan />Dr. Cynthia Solomon is a pioneer in the fields of artificial intelligence, computer science and educational computing. Fifty years ago while at Bolt, Beranek & Newman, Cynthia, along with Seymour Papert and Wally Feurzeig created the first programming language for children, Logo (programming language). She was Vice President of R&D for Logo Computer Systems, Inc. when Apple Logo was developed and Cheap Jerseys was the Director of the prestigious Atari Cambridge Research Laboratory.

Solomon taught at Milton Academy for seven years. After that, she was the Technology Integration Coordinator at Monsignor Haddad Middle School in Needham, MA. Recently, Solomon directed the creation of educational materials for the One Laptop per Child Foundation.

Dr. Solomon has maintained a long relationship with the MIT Media Lab and the One Laptop Per Child Foundation in addition to her teaching, consulting and scholarship. Her doctoral research at Harvard led tombar, to the publication of the critical book, Computer Environments for Children: A Reflection on Theories of cheap oakleys sunglasses Learning and Education. Solomon is also the co-author of Designing Multimedia cheap jerseys Environments for Children, with Allison fake oakleys Druin.

Together with Seymour Papert she wrote Twenty things to do with a computer. This 1971 text is still relevant and inspiring.

Cynthia is collecting bits and pieces relevant in her professional life at Logothings.

Meet the other keynote speakers:

Linda Liukas – Michelle Thorne Mitch ResnickAudrey WattersBeat Döbeli HoneggerEric Rosenbaum
(Image taken from constructingmodernknowledge.com)